Monday, May 5, 2008


During travel study break a few weeks ago, I went with Steph, Becky, Isaiah, and Eitan to En Hemed, one of the nearby springs. Right behind us in the picture, the water is coming up out of the rock. The ledge was put in years ago to form a pool of water. It's pretty amazing to see the major source of water for the area spring up out of the ground in front of your very eyes. I had a blast with my buddies. Isaiah didn't have school because of Pesach, so it was fun to spend extra time with him. We wandered all around the park, climbed through the Crusader buildings, and then visited an important modern Israel site called Castel after having a pizza lunch. So much history and fun in one day. It was amazing!

1 comment:

sar said...

siiister, you need to post some new pics from your cali trip and also of my visit and before long, your latest idaho adventure!

miss you kid.