Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Randy and Phyllis Cook

It's funny how the more time you take to think about your life, the more you see what the Lord has done. Everywhere you look you can see His hand. God has a reason for everything He allows to happen, whether or not we will ever understand it. I'm thankful beyond words for what He has done for me in saving me and calling me to Himself, teaching me what it means to live for Him, showing me the sufficiency of Scripture, giving me godly parents and friends, allowing me to teach and to come to Israel, and so much more. Here are some of the things I am specifically thankful for today, things that the Lord's hand is most definitely in:

1. That my brother-in-law, Mark, is okay. He was going to have surgery but it was cancelled when his heart stopped. Most likely in reaction to the anesthetic, but after appointments with the cardiologist, he should know for sure. Praise the Lord for the chance to have him around longer.

2. That I get to teach again next school year.

3. For my mom and grandma, faithful prayer warriors.

4. For my dad and the consistent, faithful, godly example he sets for me.

5. For Becky, Abner, Johanna, Bill, Stephanie, Rachel, Zach, Isaiah, Eitan, and Nehemiah, a few of the wonderful staff members and kids I have the privilege of serving each day.

6. For Randy and Phyllis, two of the most godly people I have ever known. Their example to thousands of students and people around the world is a testimony to God's faithfulness and His work in human hearts.

7. For the chance to be in Israel and walk the land of the Bible. For the ability in one day to walk in the Israelite tribal territories of Asher, Zebulun, Naphtali, Ephraim, Dan, and Judah - just on a day for fun.

8. For the LORD and His Word and how He allows me to understand and love Him more every day.


sar said...

well, i am thankful for YOU!! mark is still waiting to hear back from the cardiologist, but they are thinking it was just a strange response. he is really using this as an excuse, let me tell you!

can't do that, my heart might stop, can't stand up & get myself a drink because of the monitor, it might fall & they won't get an accurate reading, can't make that or the microwaves will give the tests a false reading, etc etc etc...
hehe, it cracks me up!

love you siiiiiiiiister!

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