Tuesday, March 25, 2008


These are just a few posts from my weekend. See the post on "How Good is God" to hear more about the events. The first picture I am on Christian Quarter Road in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem. That was Monday. The other pictures are from Sunday morning. The sign when we first came in read, "6:30am, in English." The next picture is self-explanatory. And the other two are of the Garden Tomb. To hear more about how I think/feel about this location, leave me a note. But as our guide said that day, it does not really matter if this was the place Jesus was buried or not. What matters is that He died, and ROSE again! May the power of God be real and evident in your lives this week!

1 comment:

sar said...

your easter pictures look incredible. what an amazing place to be to celebrate the resurrection!

love you siiiister!