Friday, March 28, 2008


As I consider the events of this last week, I can't help but stand in awe of the power of God! Last week at this time it was Good Friday. Good, I believe, because we are considering the great work God did for us in sacrificing His Son that we may have a way back into a relationship with Him.

Good because we can stop and meditate on what we have been saved from.

Good because it is yet another chance to look back upon the last year and see what the Lord has done in and through us.

Good because nearly 2,000 years ago our lives (of those that believe that Jesus the Messiah is the Son of God and confess sin and a need for Him) were eternally saved.

Good because it was a chance to praise the Lord for who He is.

Good because the next day we were reminded of how frail we really are and just how much we need Him.
Good because we could look to Sunday and remember that Jesus the Messiah rose from the dead, conquering sin and death!

Last Saturday, a young man from our church collapsed when his heart quit beating and he stopped breathing. His mom saved his life by administering CPR. Really, we can know that it was the Lord whose plan it was to have him be on this earth a while longer so it was the Lord that spared his life. We are so very thankful for that chance to spend more time with him. Tomorrow, or today Israel time, Grant will be going home from the hospital. Praise the Lord! Look what God can do in a week! He took one who was gone and brought him back. Wow! As Grant's dad says, "How good is God!"

I love that the Lord works in so many ways we could never expect. Never has a "dull and boring" life been in His plan for us. I've just been reminded this week to thank the Lord for every breath, every beat of my heart, and every moment longer He allows me to spend time serving Him on this earth. What a life He gives to those who love Him! Tomorrow I have the awesome privilege of leaving for a week - to go to the Galilee! Jesus spent 18 months of His roughly 3 years of public ministry in the very area where I will be living for a week. How amazing is that! Some of the things we will get to do: hike to Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine; take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee; visit the synagogue in Capernaum where He spent much time teaching; visit Caesarea Philippi near the location of the Transfiguration; visit the sources of the Jordan River and much more. Wow! I can't wait to see what the Lord does this week!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


These are just a few posts from my weekend. See the post on "How Good is God" to hear more about the events. The first picture I am on Christian Quarter Road in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem. That was Monday. The other pictures are from Sunday morning. The sign when we first came in read, "6:30am, in English." The next picture is self-explanatory. And the other two are of the Garden Tomb. To hear more about how I think/feel about this location, leave me a note. But as our guide said that day, it does not really matter if this was the place Jesus was buried or not. What matters is that He died, and ROSE again! May the power of God be real and evident in your lives this week!


This past weekend was Purim, the Feast of Esther. In Israel it is celebrated by dressing up in costumes, having parties, and recounting the story of Esther. As it is read, interactively, the name "Haman" is to be drowned out with boos, the name "Mordechai" is to be cheered...and other fun things like that. Some of the popular desserts are "Haman's Ears." I think it's kind of disgusting to call something that and eat it, but they are delicious. It was a fun, festive weekend. (Weekend in Israel is Friday-Saturday).


Anybody have an idea of what this might mean? I do. I think. But it made me think of my dad, at least, and going to Ace Hardware with him. I love you, Dad!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Yesterday was Resurrection Sunday, the day we celebrate the awesome power of our LORD and God as He raised His Son, who died for our sins, from the dead! It was an amazing morning. I woke up early to read the accounts of the Resurrection in the Scriptures, went to an amazing non-kosher breakfast provided by our amazing staff at 5am, and then we got on the bus to go into Jerusalem for a sunrise service at the Garden Tomb! (Not the actual location, but a good picture/reminder of the place.) This particular service was in English - it was packed in the garden. But oh, the joy of praising the Lord together with so many other believers in the midst of a lost city. I am sure that much of the East Jerusalem/Damascus Gate area heard us shout: "He is risen, indeed!" We sang, "See What a Morning" together...what a morning it was. Was it a morning like this, when our Savior rose from the dead? It was beautifully sunny and warm, the city was relatively quiet before dawn, and then our shouts of praise. I think of the words to the song "Was it a Morning Like This:" Did the grass sing? Did the earth rejoice to hear Him again? Over and over like a trumpet underground, did the earth seem to pound, He is risen?! Over and over in a never ending round, He is risen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

See, what a morning, gloriously bright,
With the dawning of hope in Jerusalem;
Folded the grave-clothes, tomb filled with light,
As the angels announce, "Christ is risen!"
See God's salvation plan, Wrought in love, borne in pain, paid in sacrifice,
Fulfilled in Christ, the Man, For He lives: Christ is risen from the dead!

See Mary weeping, "Where is He laid?"
As in sorrow she turns from the empty tomb; Hears a voice speaking, calling her name;
It's the Master, the Lord raised to life again!
The voice that spans the years, Speaking life, stirring hope, bringing peace to us,
Will sound till He appears, For He lives:
Christ is risen from the dead!

One with the Father, Ancient of Days,
Through the Spirit who clothes faith with certainty.
Honor and blessing, glory and praise
To the King crowned with pow'r and authority!
And we are raised with Him, Death is dead, love has won,
Christ has conquered; And we shall reign with Him,
For He lives: Christ is risen from the dead!

All afternoon I was able to quietly enjoy my Lord, thinking about what He has done for His people. When it was finally Sunday morning for the west coast of the U.S., I called home to quickly wish my family a blessed Resurrection morning before they left for church, when they told me about Grant. Grant is a 17-year-old friend from our church who collapsed at home on Saturday. His mom had to administer CPR and for 40 minutes he was without a pulse on his own. My mom asked me to pray and to have my friends here in Israel pray as well. But God is so good! This morning I was reading the updates about Grant, and not only is he breathing on his own, he seems to know and understand what is going on around him. Praise the Lord! Grant still has a long way to go, so please pray for him; but remember to praise the Lord for another way that He has shown His power over death and His control over all things, even the very next breaths we will take.