This past wednesday IBEX visited the Biblical territory of the tribe of Benjamin. One of our first stops, pictured above, was a place called Nebi Samwil, or the place of the prophet Samuel. Funny how I'm standing by a sign that says, "Tomb of the Prophet Samuel." Religious Jews and even Muslims have made this place into a mosque and a synagogue because of that tradition. But don't they read their Bibles? Scripture specifically states that Samuel was buried in Ramah, his hometown (1 Samuel 25:1). Anyway, this spot overlooks the ancient city of Gibeon. It was a the high place of Gibeon where Solomon prayed for wisdom. This is the highest point around and could have very well been the spot where he prayed (1 Kings 3:4-14). Next we drove to Jericho, the lowest and oldest city (remains) on earth. On the way, we stopped in the middle of the wilderness of Judah/Benjamin. To think that John the Baptist and Jesus spent so much time here, alone. It it a perfect picture of how man cannot survive without help from the Lord. What a place to teach one to totally depend on Him for everything. At Jericho we marched around the city and it took us only 12 minutes. It changes your perspective just a bit of the Biblical story (Joshua 6). It was amazing to sit on top of the tel, re-read the story and visibly see how the geography and topography of the land played a major part in the narrative. After that, we visited Bethlehem, the city of our Savior's birth, and saw the fields around which would have been where the birth of Messiah Jesus was announced to the shepherds. How incredible to think that we were able to stand in the very city where the most precious gift to mankind arrived! We also visited two amazing architectural remains built by Herod the Great. It was one of those days where you can't even quite believe all you saw and all the history you "walked" through. Praise the Lord for such wonderful opportunities to see where He did so much of His work. We "walked" with the Israelites, Joshua, Samuel, Saul, David, Herod the Great (or not so great), John the Baptist, and Messiah Jesus...I just pray that I learned to live for the Lord like David did and follow the example my Savior left for me, recorded in His Word.
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